Many of us visited the local emergency room for one or the other. If elderly neighbor get to the emergency room after a fall, or enjoy the children after a stroke on the football field, will probably visit a local urgent care or emergency room at least twice in your life. At regular intervals, he heard the news about famous people die after a head injury. Viewed as a result of media hype, my ER with all other American countriesthe peak immediately to the emergency room, the anxiety of patients under head injuries. I agree, as part of my job is to rest and say that the head does not die, little bump on my own.

But when it comes to a head injury when you go to the emergency room, and what are you waiting for? How do you know if you are really serious "head injury"? Everyone knows that the ER is overcrowded, expensive andSometimes I'm happy to see 4-6 hours. Nobody wants the time and money, but if a child falls and hits his head on the table, and we see a purple head more and more, what do you want? I went to the emergency room, x-ray or CT scan? Here are some points to consider when deciding whether or not the emergency room to run.
Head Injury
There's a tear? You have a scar on his face, then go to. This applies toperiorbital injuries and trauma (injury to the orbit of the eye) and oral or nasal trauma. scalp lacerations less than 3 mm can be performed at home, in general, if no bleeding.
head injuries and a concussion - How do we know if this is serious and if you go to the emergency room!
What was the mechanism of injury? "The vast majority of head injuries is where the head of the earth is an inanimate object, a table or other. Unable to variables defined than if you're in the emergency room or not. At the height of autumn, and speedThe object is a person reliable indicator of potential damage is not based. If in doubt, consult a doctor.
I have a brain injury or concussion? "That's the question a million dollars, and the true intent of this article. Visage and trauma affecting temperate Although the functional outcome, a couple of injuries and traumatic brain injury or brain hemorrhaging may cause cosmetic death or serious disability for life. Yes, how can you tell if thisinstead? Let's start with a simple definition of a concussion. A shock from an injury, the brain only occurs in the head with a blow to the. The brain literally rocked around the head, the brain is bruised, cut, or worse, Axon, which are literally torn down the middle, because the nervous thought. Symptoms of a concussion may remember from a slight headache and dizziness to violent nausea and vomiting, confusion and inability to achieve or territory,Events. But in most cases, a concussion, a condition in which the patient recovered completely with little or no effect. The hardest part, explains why a person with a concussion, there is no test for most patients with a moderate concussion. No images laboratory or black and white person says that extortion. E 'is strictly a clinical evaluation of symptoms and when symptoms are severe enough that it be monitored and evaluatedThe possibility of a serious head injury.
The brain alive, on the other side you have a medical emergency immediately. Blood pressure in the skull to the brain. The brain is then literally the foramen magnum, the output of the spinal cord, skull key. The result is that for the cerebellum, the area of the brain, spontaneous breathing and heart function, crashed through the foramen magnum, literally, kill the patient.As expected, bleeding, brain of the first patient experiences a severe headache, vomiting, stiff neck, then in other neurological diseases such as stroke and death. If the patient's symptoms significantly after the first "Golden Hours", the chances are better than a simple concussion and without bleeding.
Need a CT? Much of the scalp, a bruise that swells the scalp, especially before the bones of the skull. This does not meanthere is no bleeding inside the skull. But as in the case of a stroke can be serious and often receive a call, your computer for X-ray scanner is set. The standard treatment for traumatic brain injury in the Act is basically this: If the patient is unconscious or suspicion of intracranial hemorrhage or fracture, a CT scan. So you see, there is little room for personal choice of physician. Note, however, studies show, While a head CT, brain processes are those exposed to X-rays is equivalent to 300! If a scan of the brain and skull, there is a strong suspicion of injury (or strongly suspected of being responsible, I am sorry to say!). In this sense, if the patient is asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage on CT is not warranted, as increased exposure to high doses of radiation, the probability of cancer and other health complications.
So what's the point? How do you know ifYou must go to the emergency room? Check the whole situation and make the decision. have done, if you put something like a fracture or injury, and the patient denied severe headache and a walking and talking, as usual, hardly a bleeding in the brain. If you're not sure, but go to the doctor! The essence of this post is for you, and nobody can blame you err on the side of caution. Can never be too careful, and as I said, my rolePA is not only the trauma patients and prescribe medicines, but also calm your spirit, you agree.
head injuries and a concussion - How do we know if this is serious and if you go to the emergency room!
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