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Monday, March 28, 2011

Definition of mild traumatic brain injury


In this article, lawyers, their clients, unknown symptoms neither they nor the doctors to explain the current awareness of the disease. The instability of the head injury was summarized by Hippocrates: "No injury the head is too serious to despair, do not ignore the trivial. " I hope this article on the symptoms and the cause is determined, are for those who have suffered light injuries offeredBrain damage.

Head Injury


Definition of mild traumatic brain injury

MTBI for more than a century of debate. Strauss and Savitsky, 1934; 1981st Dr. Randall W. Trimble Evans book, neurology and trauma surgery, page 93, after the post-concussion syndrome, head trauma and is usually a slight compromise of one or more of the systems and the following symptoms: headache, drowsiness, dizziness, tinnitus, loss, blurred vision, double vision, convergenceOtherwise, sensitivity to light and noise, reduced odor and taste, irritability, anxiety, depression, personality changes, fatigue, insomnia, decreased libido, loss of appetite, loss memory, impaired concentration and attention, slowed reaction time, and slows the speed of information processing. ... The most common symptoms are headaches, dizziness, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, loss of concentration and memory, and sensitivity to noise. LossConsciousness is not possible to develop post-concussion syndrome. 94. Page under the heading "Historical Perspective", Evans writes: The post-concussion syndrome detected in at least one hundred years. Interesting historical case involved a girl aged 26, there was a floor above his head and complained of retrograde amnesia. Six months later, still complaining of headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, and fatigue. AThe court has the Swiss physician and two other surgeons who asked JJ Wepfer know, we said, "to say something definite, but it is certainly a sign in the form of disability leave" This statement by the Brain Injury 1694 era in biblical times .. Joel King Sisera when driving death metal tent Aa equity in his temple as he slept. "And of course, the giant Goliath, who suffered a concussion and a fractured skull, is likelyResults stone young David's Sling Shot (Corville CB: Some remarks on the history of the skull and brain online Bull LA Neurol 9:1-16, 1944 ..).

DEFINITION III Closed head injury

In his article, post-concussion syndrome terminology Berrol said Seldon, MD:

Head trauma, injury subcommittee interdisciplinary brain Special Interest Group of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine easierso-called mild head trauma (mild TBI) as the preferred term for most people in the maintenance of a physiological disorder caused to the brain caused by trauma, which as a term of at least:

1. The period of time, loss of consciousness.

2. Any loss of memory of events immediately before or after the incident.

3. Any change in mental status at the time of the accident (eg, dizziness, disoriented and confused.)

4. Focalneurological deficit, which may or may not be temporary, but if the severity of the injury does not exceed the following:

a. loss of consciousness for about 30 minutes or less.

b. After 30 minutes, the first Glasgow Coma Scale score 13-15.

c. post-traumatic amnesia less than 24 hours. This includes:

(A), struck his head

(B) the head of an object, and

(C) of the brain through Movement / deceleration Acceleration (ie, whiplash) without direct external trauma to the head, then closes. Stroke, hypoxia, tumor, encephalitis, etc., CT, EEG and routine treatment MRI is neurologically normal.

Due to the lack of emergency medical care and the reality of some medical systems, some patients are medically not documented in the factors mentioned above in the acute phase. In these cases, it is usually the case, complex diseases are traumaticindicate a head injury. May The existence of a "slight concussion Alexander mild head injury 'is defined as follows:

Severity of trauma must be TBI symptoms as defined by the characteristics after an acute injury severity and the points are random. Mild traumatic brain injury has the following characteristics:

(1) head injury, the delay caused by trauma or acceleration forces.

(2) the short duration of unconsciousness, usually the second minute, and in some caseswithout loss of consciousness (LOC), but the dazed consciousness for a short period of time.

(3) If the patient is evaluated in the emergency room or on the ground, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 13-15 common definition. . . only a value of 15 is probably true with mild head trauma.

(4) If the patient is unconscious or less imminent, confusion and amnesia. . . Is defined as less than 24 hours but usually several minutes to an hour. . . (B) commonAgreement in clinical imaging is negative, but this function may be more complicated than the positive or negative results of CT. The mild traumatic brain injury, Neurology 1995, 45:1253-1260. The term mild traumatic brain injury is still in the planning, but it does not take into account in medicine in general in the criteria adopted by sports physicians assess the degree of dysfunction in the brain. "A closed head injury occurs when theThe soft tissues of the brain is forced into contact with a hard outer covering of the brain and bone of the skull. Overall, a head injury usually the average patient experiences with back and neck injuries. Mild closed head injury can occur after a serious injury to the cervical surface, but on each head. ... Minor head injuries should be considered, not low. "The long term impact of these changes and theirThe prognosis is often a very big problem. Cervical and lumbar spine often, and soft tissues of the events are inevitable for a short period after a mild to moderate closed head injury at least. "

Closed head injury: A Clinical Source Book Second Ed, Dr. Peter Bernad 1998, Lexis Law Publishing.

IV The Hollywood myth

The mild traumatic brain injury occurs when the soft tissue of the brain to be pushed toagainst the bony structures of the skull of the type of acceleration boost or deceleration movements. The problem is that most people can download and Randy Evans chapter on post-concussion syndrome, in advance of neurological disorders, Evans, Baskin and Yatsu, Oxford University Press, 1992 99: Most people know, film series, consisting primarily of head injuries in the magic light of. Some of the funniest scenes of slapstick and DrawingsPreserve the character of one or more head injuries, which are then quickly back stunned. Westerns, thrillers and action movies and kung-fu and boxing, serious injuries to the head, apparently with an injury to the punch shots and frequent heavy lifting, falls, motor vehicle and kicking All fixed no successor. In our experience, a little more than a thousand head injuries seen in movies simulation and television.Due to current mythology, a doctor in the difficult task of educating patients, their families and others in real life a mild head injury. The, however, that two successful boxer Muhammad Ali, Joe Lewis and see if they have confused a strong influence as experienced shock, like boxers, ko, or. AMemory loss and dementia among ex-combatants is a corresponding result. and head injuries Sports, 10 The position of neurology and traumatology, PolinAlves and Jane.

"The symptoms of head trauma neurological easily identified the temp of amnesia, brief loss of consciousness, headaches or serious head injuries documented mild to moderate. Analysis of 1165 Fights Jaros heel and found it hard % boxer symptoms was 79, a temporary neurological, while 21% had a deficit of at least 24 hours. "

anatomical brain injury IV

Brain Injurygenerated by the movement and deformation of neural tissue on impact. The brain, which is incompressible, then soaked in water, like a piece of wood floating in water. The brain floats in cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space and can provide a certain amount. . . the sliding motion. Therefore, these anatomical facts blow to the front or back of the head movement from the brain, brain damage leading to seriousStretching and distortion of the brainstem and stretching, and even demolished the commissure of the brain. . . . It is also important to note that his head appeared to be a serious blow to the shear stress and mental tension spin in the brain, especially in areas where additional focus by rotating the bone can be avoided. . . Head injury is more likely if the brain is thrown violently against the sharp bone inSkull. . . . A helping hand to the head can cause brain damage in a car accident a.. .

Richard S. Snell, MD, Ph.D. Clinical neuroanatomy for medical students, 4 Ed P. 27-28.


Head injury has a significant impact on the lives of those he touched. mild head injury should not be treated as minor injuries. interrupt the MTBIHow the brain caused by trauma to the head. mild head injury is one that is serious enough discovered that the official rehabilitation. Normally, persons directly sent to the hospital. But if the brain cells of a particular person of relatively permanent changes in the way of thinking, feeling and acting experience is damaged.

Definition of mild traumatic brain injury

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